Finalized no. 30 | Ethereum Foundation Blog

tl;dr Altair is fast approaching. Upgrade your nodes! Now! 🚨Upgrade to Altair before Oct 27🚨 As mentioned in the previous Finalized post, Altair is scheduled to go...

Grantee Roundup: September 2021 | Ethereum Foundation Blog

It’s always fun to hear about new grants as they’re awarded, but what happens after the announcement? In this series, we’ll check in...

Finalized no. 31 | Ethereum Foundation Blog

This issue of Finalized is dedicated to the contextualization of a recently published paper describing three possible attacks on Ethereum's proof-of-stake algorithm. tl;dr These are...

Announcing Devcon Archive V2 | Ethereum Foundation Blog

Devcon is coming in 2022 (along with something new 🤫), but ahead of our next event updates, we invite you to check out...

Allocation Update: Q2 2021 | Ethereum Foundation Blog

Community & educationEthereum Cat HerdersCommunity group supporting Ethereum core developers with project management, communication and coordination.Community & educationEthCCEthereum FranceDeveloper and community conference held...

Arrow Glacier Upgrade Announcement | Ethereum Foundation Blog

The Ethereum network will be undergoing a scheduled upgrade at block number 13,773,000, which is predicted to occur on Wednesday, December 8, 2021....

Announcing Grants for Advocacy Non-Profits

The Ethereum Foundation is allocating 1 million USD in grant funding to organizations that educate governments and policymakers about Ethereum and blockchain technology....

Finalized no. 32 | Ethereum Foundation Blog

tl;dr Kintsugi🍵 in progress At the start of November, the Kintsugi🍵 month-long Merge sprint began! Kintsugi specs and milestones/plans were released, and now client teams...

Update on the partnership between EF and UNICEF

Since 2019, we have supported UNICEF’s CryptoFund with recurring contributions, and we are excited about our most recent donation too. Today, I would...

How The Merge Impacts Ethereum’s Application Layer

Ethereum's transition to proof of stake -- The Merge -- is near: devnets are being stood up, specifications are being finalized and community...
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