Goerli Long Term Support Update
March 18, 2024 update: The Dencun network upgrade successfully activated on the Ethereum mainnet on March 13, 2024. As per the original wording...
Run a Node Grants Round Grantee Announcement
The Run A Node Grants Round wanted to reach different users exploring blockchain, learning, community efforts, and research purposes. The aim of this...
Allocation Update – Q3 2023
Community & educationAAvolution: Account Abstraction VillageAccount abstraction event held in Paris, covering topics such as the history of account abstraction, key catalysts to...
Southeast Asia welcomes Devcon 7!
Hey Ethereum family! 🦄
We're delighted to start this new year by sharing an update that's not just about revealing the location and date...
Goerli Dencun Announcement | Ethereum Foundation Blog
The blobs are coming: Dencun will go live on Goerli at 6:32 UTC on January 17, 2024.Dencun will be Goerli's last upgrade before...
Wrapping up the KZG Ceremony
The KZG Ceremony was the largest multi-party computation of its kind (by number of participants). Through an open, accessible process, it produced a...
Sepolia & Holesky Dencun Announcement
Important update: since the initial publication of this post, Lodestar has published a new release, v1.15.0, which Holesky users must upgrade to prior...
Ethereum.org year in review | Ethereum Foundation Blog
A look back at 2023, and a glimpse at what lies ahead in 2024
2023 was an excellent year for the team behind the...
Introducing the EPF Study Group
The Ethereum Protocol Fellowship (EPF) is a program designed to reduce the barrier to entry for developers interested in working on the core...
Allocation Update – Q4 2023
Community & educationAAvolution House IstanbulCommunity-run event organized in Istanbul, Türkiye to push forward account abstraction (AA) standards, ideas, and projects to mainstream adoption.Community...