Price, Price, Price
A quick analysis of the effect of price pumping on the perception of Litecoin. Is it something that needs to be called out?
OmniLite Tokens
Finally seeing activity in development on OmniLite Tokens. Also, how about a Litecoin/Dogecoin Conference??
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Deep Dive into MimbleWimble with David Burkett
A live recording of our interview and Q&A with David Burkett, the Litecoin developer responsible for the implementation for MimbleWimble onto LItecoin. ...
Eating the Bitcoin Cake – Charlie Lee
Brief reading of an article written by Charlie Lee back in 2015 to discuss some of the issues with arbitrarily increasing the block...
More to learn on Litecoin ordinals, nft, inscriptions
It is exciting to hear the new voices coming to the Litecoin space and building communities. Danny Huuep, creator of @OnChainMonkey and long-time...
Drivechains, Mining, Doge PoS
We take some time to give an overview of what Drivechains are on Bitcoin (BIP 300 and BIP 301) and if it is...
Litecoin Underground – Digital Pimpin’ in the Free Markets of the Metaverse
This was one of the most unusual discussions we've had to date; NFTs, Metaverse, Digital Strippers, Education, Free markets, etc etc etc. ...
Ordinals; Inscriptions; NFTs – Satoshi Sarah
Satoshi Sarah comes in to give us some basic education on what is happening with the huge influx of transactions, activity, and development...